Ringdale Minit 5250E User Manual

Page 36

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Copyright  2006 Ringdale User Manual, 62-400310001 Page 36

SOLUTION(s): Use Alt/Q to quit the session and disconnect from the host. ALT/Q will let
SNA server know that the device is disconnected.

If the last device using this station address crashed, the station address may be varied off.
Ask the System Administrator to vary your device on. This may require varying off, then back
on. You can do this from the same MinIT 5250E if you create a new session, using the same
IP address, but a different name.

To restart the original device: On an AS/400 command line:

WRKCFGSTS *DEV yourdevice
to oldname
Put the cursor on the line to the left of your device and take an option 2 to vary off
1 to vary back on.

If security is not a priority, then Work with System Values (WRKSYSVAL) parameter
QDEVRCYACN (Device I/O error action) can be changed to allow auto-recovery.

The name cannot have any spaces between letters, get rid of the space.

Using the same name for the session as someone else uses. If the device that had that name
is no longer using it, the AS/400 device must be deleted.