Ringdale Minit 5250E User Manual
Page 18

Copyright 2006 Ringdale User Manual, 62-400310001 Page 18
I-Series Printer - If you use Host print transform, you will need to enter the type of printer
in the I-Series Printer box.
you must enter the printer type exactly as the AS/400 lists it. To be certain of what
printers your AS/400 supports you can take an F1 on the line “Manufacturer type and
model “ that is in the “Change Device Desc (Printer) (CHGDEVPRT)” screen on your
AS/400. For example, enter *IBM2380 for an IBM 2380 Personal Printer Series II or enter
*HP4 for an HP LaserJet 4 or compatible. See the Help for this screen to scroll through a listing
of printers supported on most AS/400s. You can “Cut and Paste” from this list to avoid
mistakes. "*IBM3812" is a commonly used generic printer. (Please note, the * is important).
Environment Variables – this function is used to pass specific printer variables to the
AS/400 in a semicolon separated list. E.g. env.WSCTNAME=MYPRTR;env.WSCSTLIB=*LIB.
Next, you will select which “logical” printer to assign to this printer session. If you only have
access to one printer from here, leave this at Default.
Click the (Re)Start Session button to start the session now.
Click the Done button to exit this window and configure another.
Click the Cancel button to cancel your changes.
Click the ? Help button for more information.