Host problems at the host – Ringdale Minit 5250E User Manual

Page 37

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Copyright  2006 Ringdale User Manual, 62-400310001 Page 37


In this category of problems, none of the TN5250E sessions are connecting.

PROBLEM: The MinIT 5250E comes up “Waiting to Connect … “ and “Opening Socket
#23” then does not connect to the host.

When you try to ping (see page 3) it fails with a message: “10 packets transmitted, 0
packets received, 100% packet loss – child process exited abnormally”

POSSIBLE CAUSES: The AS/400 may not have the Ethernet line up.

ACTION: CFGTCP, then take an option 1. Select the Ethernet line, and take an option 9 to
start it. If it is already started, it will report: “interface not started. ###.###.###.###
interface already active”
Verify the IP address, if it is correct, then verify that the AS400 Ethernet line is active.

WRKLIND The Ethernet line will have a Type *ELAN. Find it, and take an option 8=Work
with status, to make certain it is active.

PROBLEM: Tried to connect the MinIT 5250E and it does not connect to the host.
When you try to ping (see page 3) it fails with a message: “10 packets transmitted, 10
packets received, 0% packet loss”.

CAUSE: This means that you are accessing a valid IP address, but it is not a TN5250E host, or
else the Telnet Server is not running. Telnet, or the Virtual Device Server may not be running.

SOLUTION: On the AS/400 command line, do CFGTCP. Check the Work with TCP/IP

Internet Subnet Line Line
Opt Address Mask Description Type *LOOPBACK *NONE ENETLINE *ELAN

And 20. Configure TCP/IP applications: then 11. Configure TELNET

PROBLEM: You cannot ping the AS/400.

POSSIBLE CAUSE: TCP/IP is not started and/or improperly configured on the AS/400.

SOLUTION: The AS/400 administrator can check this by typing (on an AS/400's command
line) "NETSTAT" and hitting the key. If you get an error message stating "Not able
to complete request. TCP/IP services are not available." then TCP/IP is not started. Assuming
that TCP/IP is already configured on your AS/400 the AS/400 administrator can start TCP/IP
by typing "STRTCP" and hitting the key.