Raypak 500 User Manual
Page 22

* - May be configured as DHW SENSOR for
single boiler Cascade with Indirect
Fig. 18: XFyre Cascade Master
Cascade Master Pump and
Sensor Wiring
1. On the boiler designated as the Cascade Master,
apply the System Sensor and DHW Sensor decals
(included) to the field wiring board as shown in Fig.
18. Apply the SYSTEM PUMP and EXT HEATER
labels to the wiring electrical connections terminal
strip as shown in Fig. 11b on page 17.
2. Connect the system pump hot wire to terminal #11,
marked SYSTEM PUMP (see Fig 11b).
3. Connect the system pump neutral to terminal #6,
marked BOILER PUMP NEUT, and the pump
ground wire to terminal #3, marked GROUND, at
the rear terminal strip.
4. Connect a jumper wire from terminal #1, marked
120 V BLACK (HOT), terminal #11, marked SYS-
TEM PUMP POWER, at the rear terminal strip.
5. Connect the boiler pump to the terminals marked
(#5), and GROUND (#4).
6. Connect the system pipe sensor to the terminals
marked SYS SENSOR, as shown in Fig. 18.
7. Connect the outdoor sensor (if used) to the termi-
nals marked OUTDOOR SEN.
8. Connect the signal to start the system to the termi-
nals marked THERMOSTAT.
NOTE: This signal can come from a room
thermostat or a dry contact closure. No power of any
voltage should be fed into either of these terminals.
Fig. 19: XFyre Cascade Follower