Using the sd card menu, Starting a program from an sd card, Wii menu – Nintendo Wii User Manual

Page 35: Rearranging the contents of the sd card

background image

Label faces

towards the

Wii game disk



S D Ca rd M e n u


d Menu



d Menu

Starting a program from an SD Card

1. Open the SD Card slot on the front of the Wii console.

Insert the SD Card. Push it firmly into to the slot until

it clicks into place.

2. Select the SD Card Menu icon on the Wii

Menu to see the contents of the SD Card.

3. Select an item from the SD Card menu and

press the A Button to open the Start screen.

4. Select “Start” to run the Channel, game, or

other program. See the appropriate

sections of this manual to find additional

information for Channels, WiiWare, or

Virtual Console titles.

F r o m t h e S D C a r d M e n u , y o u c a n e a s i l y s t a r t u p p r o g r a m s y o u

h a v e s a v e d t o t h e S D C a r d , s u c h a s W i i W a r e , W i i C h a n n e l s , a n d

V i r t u a l C o n s o l e g a m e s .

N O T E : S D C a r d s a r e s o l d s e p a r a t e l y .


Sample SD Card Menu

Sample SD Card Menu

To select an on-screen option, simply point at

it with the Wii Remote and press the A Button.

Using the SD Card Menu

When you select the SD Card Menu icon from the Wii Menu, you will see a display of the contents of the SD Card. (If the icon is gray, there is no SD Card inserted into the

SD Card slot.)

To edit the contents of the SD Card, see Settings and Data

Management, page 40.

SD Card contents

Wii Channels, WiiWare, or Virtual

Console games stored on the SD Card.

(The images of some Channels may

vary from the Wii Menu.)

Scroll icon

The SD Card Menu can hold a maximum of 240 items, but

can only show 12 items at one time. Select the scroll icon to

scroll to next page if you have more than 12 items stored.

(You can also press the + or – Buttons on the Wii Remote.)

Return to the Wii Menu

Current and total page numbers

View SD Card Menu instructions

Wii Menu

SD Card Menu Icon

Rearranging the contents of the SD Card

You can rearrange the contents of the SD Card by using the Wii Remote. Point at the

item you want to move, and then hold down the A and B Buttons and drag the item to

the new location. Release the buttons to place the item in the new location.

Wii Shop Channel
