Nintendo Wii User Manual

Page 11

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P h o t o C h a n n e l

Having Fun With Your Photos

Select the Fun! option to open a new menu with additional options for playing

with your photos or frames from your videos.

Mood Menu Screen Options

• Brighten: Brighten the photo. Select repeatedly to increase effect.

• Black and White: Convert photo to gray scale monochrome.

• Zap!: Invert the photo.

• Hard-boiled: Convert the photo to stark black and white.

Select repeatedly to increase effect.

Photo Channel

Photo Channel

Zoom out

Select color for sketch pen

Erase all doodles and restore the photo to its

original appearance

NOTE: Move the Wii Remote closer to the TV to increase the size of

the sketch pen or stamp. Move the Wii Remote away from the TV to

reduce the size of the pen or stamp. Twist the Wii Remote to rotate

the pen or stamp.

Erase tool

Zoom in

Stamp selection

Eyedropper tool: Copy a color from the photo

1. Select the eyedropper icon and press the A Button.
2. Move the eyedropper icon over a part of the photo where
you want to copy the color and press the A Button.
3. The cursor will change to the selected color.

Scissors tool: Cut and paste a piece of the photo

1. Select the scissors icon and press the A Button.
2. Move the scissors icon over a part of the photo where you want to
cut and paste and press the A Button. A cut frame will appear.
3. Press the A Button to cut the area and again to paste it.

Draw, cut and paste,

and add text and


Adjust the overall

appearance of your


Create a puzzle out of

a photo for others to


