Screen (continued) tv resolution, Screen burn-in reduction, Sound – Nintendo Wii User Manual
Page 25

W i i S e tt i n g s a n d D at a M a n a g e m e n t
Wii Set
tings and Data Management
Wii Set
tings and Data Management
Screen (continued)
TV Resolution
Some Wii software supports a 480p progressive output that displays at a higher
resolution than the Standard 480i resolution. To view Wii display output in 480p, you
must change the Wii's TV Resolution setting from Standard TV (480i) to EDTV/HDTV
(480p). Confirm your selection once it's complete. (Games that do not support 480p
will be displayed in 480i.)
Your television must be a high-definition TV (HDTV) or enhanced-definition TV (EDTV)
to view 480p output.
In addition, you'll also need the
separately-sold Wii Component Video
Cable to connect your Wii to your HDTV
or EDTV television. (You cannot see Wii
progressive display output when the
console is connected to a television
using any other kind of cable.)
Screen Burn-in Reduction
When images are displayed in the same spots for long periods of time, some
television screens can suffer "screen burn-in." (See page 12 in the Wii Operations
Manual - System Setup, for more information on TV screen damage.) The Wii console
has a Screen Burn-in Reduction feature. When activated, the Wii console will fade the
screen when Wii software is paused for five or more minutes. (You can revert the
screen to its original brightness by simply pressing any button on the Wii Remote
other than the Power Button.)
You can turn Screen Burn-in Reduction on
or off by making your selection, then
confirming it.
• Your TV may also have its own screen burn-in reduction function that may fade back
the screen imagery or darken it entirely.
• The Wii's Screen Burn-in Reduction does not work for all types of software,
including Nintendo GameCube software, so it is recommended that the television
be turned off when not playing.
• Please follow your TV manufacturer’s recommendations to avoid screen burn-in.
You can change the sound setting for your Wii output by selecting the Mono, Stereo,
or Surround options. Confirm your selection once it's complete.
EDTV or HDTV (480p)
Standard TV (480i)
Select this display output when using the Wii
Component Video Cable to connect with your HDTV
or EDTV.
Select this display output when using any other kind
of cable to connect with your television, such as the
Wii AV Cable.
Select when you want Wii sound output to come equally out of the
left and right TV speakers. Some games may include only Mono
Select when using software that provides different sounds for the
left and right TV speakers to create a fuller audio effect.
Select when using software that provides different sounds for
the left, right, and other TV speakers to create an even-fuller
audio effect. Your game and TV must be compatible with
surround sound to take advantage of this feature.
Wii Channel Manual