Broadband internet connection – Nintendo Wii User Manual

Page 29

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W i i S e tt i n g s a n d D at a M a n a g e m e n t

Wii Set

tings and Data Management

Wii Set

tings and Data Management

What You Need for a Wireless Wii Environment

1. Wii System

What You Need for a Wired Home Network

1. Wii System

2. Broadband Internet connection

There may be various ways to get broadband Internet connection to your home.

Cable, DSL, and optical-fiber networks are among the most common. Check with

your local broadband providers for more information.

3. The following three methods provide the easiest,

quickest way to create a wireless networking

environment for Wii connection.

3. Wii LAN Adapter (Ethernet)



Internet line



2. Broadband Internet connection

There may be various ways to get broadband connection to your home. Cable,

DSL, and optical-fiber networks are among the most common. Check with your

local broadband providers for more information.



Internet line








Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector – See page 56.

Nintendo Wi-Fi

USB Connector

Access Point

If you already own a Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector, but don't

have a wireless network , you can still set up a wireless

connection for your Wii. If you have a PC running Windows® XP

or Windows Vista® directly connected to your broadband

Internet access, you can use the Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector

in an open USB port on the PC. Once you install the software

that's included with the Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector,

wirelessly connecting your Wii is easy.

(Check for the latest PC driver


NOTE: Your PC must be ON when using this USB connector to connect to

the Internet or WiiConnect24.

Wii LAN Adapter

If you rely on a wired high-speed local-area network

(LAN) instead of a wireless network, you can connect

Wii directly to your wired LAN with a Wii LAN Adapter.

(Sold separately, may be ordered through Nintendo’s

web site at (USA/Canada only) or

by calling Customer Service at 1-800-255-3700.)

See page 61 for easy Internet Setup details for using

the Wii LAN Adapter.


• The term Access Point is used throughout this manual to mean "wireless LAN access points."

• Use an 802.11 compatible Access Point.

NOTE: Connecting to the Internet is subject to your acceptance of the Wii Users Agreement, the Wii Privacy Policy

and the Wii Code of Conduct. Copies of the most updated versions of these agreements may be found at

• Wireless Router (Access Point)

See page 58.
• AOSS™ Wireless Router (Access Point)

See page 60.
• Manually Connecting an Access Point

See page 59.

Wii Channel Manual
