Virtual console games, Classic controller pro, Wii remote virtual console game manuals – Nintendo Wii User Manual

Page 15: Saving virtual console game titles, Saving game save data, Suspending your game, Virtual console game controllers

background image

The Wii Remote can be used

with this game.

The Classic Controller/Classic

Controller Pro can be used with

this game.

The GameCube Controller can

be used with this game.


V i r t u a l Co n s o l e

Virtual C


Virtual C


Classic Controller Pro

(sold separately)

Wii Remote

Virtual Console Game Manuals

To view a manual for a Virtual Console game that you have downloaded, follow

these steps:

1. Press the Home Button on the Wii Remote or Classic Controller.

2. Select Operations Guide from the Home Menu.

3. A contents menu will appear:

NOTE: Similar manuals will be

available for new channels that are


Saving Virtual Console game titles

Virtual Console game titles are saved in the Wii console memory.
• A Virtual Console title can be copied onto a SD Card but cannot be played on a

different Wii console. It must be played on the original console it was downloaded to.

Saving Game Save Data

Save data for Virtual Console games is saved in the Wii console memory. Note that

some games do not have a save feature or allow data to be copied to an SD Card.
• Save data can be copied to an SD Card
For more information on using SD Cards, see page 32 in the Operations Manual -

System Setup, and pages 40-41 in the Operations Manual - Channels and Settings.

Suspending Your Game

Some Virtual Console games allow you to suspend your game and return to it at a

later time. When you suspend play, a Suspend Point is created and saved in the Wii

console memory.
• A Suspend Point is deleted when you resume the game.

• You cannot copy a Suspend Point to an SD Card, even if you move the Virtual

Console game title to an SD Card.

NOTE: If you accidentally press RESET or turn off the power of the Wii Remote

or console, you may lose the Suspend Point.

• A scroll bar will appear if there is more information than can fit on one screen.

• Use the + Control Pad to scroll through the menu, then press the A Button to view

your choice.

• Press the Home Button again to close the menu.

NOTE: Your download and use of Virtual Console games is subject to your acceptance of the Wii Users Agreement,

the Wii Privacy Policy, and the Wii Code of Conduct. Copies of the most updated versions of these agreements may

be found at

D o w n l o a d V i r t u a l C o n s o l e g a m e s f r o m t h e W i i S h o p C h a n n e l

a n d p l a y g a m e s f r o m t h e N E S ™ , S u p e r N E S ™ , N i n t e n d o 6 4 ™ ,

S e g a G e n e s i s ™ , T u r b o G r a f x 1 6 ™ , V i r t u a l C o n s o l e A r c a d e , a n d

m o r e ( s u b j e c t t o a v a i l a b i l i t y ) . A f t e r d o w n l o a d i n g , a V i r t u a l

C o n s o l e g a m e w i l l a p p e a r a s i t s o w n c h a n n e l i n t h e W i i M e n u .

Example of Virtual Console Channel Preview screen

Note: An Internet connection is required

to download Virtual Console games.


Virtual Console Games

Virtual Console Game Controllers

Select “View compatible controllers” on the Details screen to see the type of

controllers that can be used with each Virtual Console title on the Wii Shop Channel

(see image at right). The illustrations show one possible way of holding the controllers

during game play.

The controllers used for Virtual Console games may vary depending on the

game. Be sure to check the information on the Wii Shop Channel to see which

controllers are needed to play specific games before redeeming your Wii Points for

downloadable software.

• You can also use a GameCube Controller for certain games.
• Some games use a USB keyboard. See page 68, or the Software Download screen

on the Wii Shop Channel for more information.

Wii Shop Channel
