Getting started, Data management, Save data – Nintendo Wii User Manual

Page 22: Nintendo gamecube, Wii menu

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W i i S e tt i n g s a n d D at a M a n a g e m e n t

Wii Set

tings and Data Management

Wii Set

tings and Data Management

Getting Started

To reach Wii Settings and Data Management, select the Wii icon on the bottom left of

the Wii Menu screen. (If more than one remote is connected, use Player 1.)

Data Management

Select Data Management from the Wii Options screen to see a choice of two kinds of

data you can manage: Save Data and Channels. Select one to proceed.

Save Data

Select Save Data from the Data Management screen to see two kinds of data

management: Wii and Nintendo GameCube. Select one to proceed.

I n W i i S e tt i n g s a n d D a t a M a n a g e m e n t , y o u c a n m a n a g e d a t a s a v e d

i n y o u r W i i c o n s o l e a s w e l l a s i n y o u r ex t e r n a l m e m o r y m e d i a . Yo u

c a n a l s o a d j u s t s e tt i n g s t h a t a ff e c t m a n y a s p e c t s o f y o u r c o n s o l e ,

s u c h a s t h e S e n s o r B a r, t h e I n t e r n e t c o n n e c t i o n , W i i Co n n e c t 2 4 ,

t i m e s e tt i n g s , a n d o t h e r f u n c t i o n s .

IMPORTANT: If you are trying to completely remove data to free up space on your system, data may need to be deleted or moved to an SD card from both the Save Data

and Channel areas. For more information on managing your Wii console available memory space, visit If you accidentally

delete downloaded content from your Wii system memory, you can download it again using the Wii Shop Channel. (This service may be discontinued without notice.)

Nintendo GameCube

You can copy or move data between two Nintendo GameCube Memory Cards,

or delete data found on a Memory Card.

Insert the Memory Card into one of the Nintendo GameCube Memory Card Slots

(or into both Memory Card Slots if you plan to copy or move data).

To view what's on a specific Memory Card, select the corresponding slot option:

Nintendo GameCube Memory Card Slot A or Nintendo GameCube Memory Card Slot B.

You'll then see all the data currently on

the card. Select the data you want to

manage, then select Move, Copy, or


NOTE: You cannot move or copy data files in the following cases:

• When there's only one Memory Card inserted in the Memory Card Slots.

• When there's not enough space in the Memory Card that you're trying to move or

copy a file to.

• When you've reached the maximum of 127 files on the Memory Card that you're

trying to move or copy a file to (this maximum may be lower for earlier Memory


• When the same kind of file already exists on the Memory Card you're trying to

move or copy a file to.

• When you're trying to move or copy a file that you're not allowed to move or copy.


You can move, copy, and delete data found in the Wii System Memory and SD Cards.

First select the Wii option to look at all data

saved in the console's internal memory, or

select the SD Card option to view the data

saved on an SD Card inserted in the SD

Card Slot.

Select the data you want to manage, then

select Copy or Delete.

Nintendo GameCube

Move, copy, or delete data on

Nintendo GameCube Memory Cards.


Manage data in the Wii System

Memory and SD Cards.

To select an on-screen option, simply point at

it with the Wii Remote and press the A Button.


Lets you delete specific Channels or save them

to an SD Card (see page 42).

Save Data

Lets you organize and delete the save data in

Wii System Memory, SD Cards, and Nintendo

GameCube Memory Cards.

Wii Settings

Configure your time settings, Internet

configuration, WiiConnect24, and

other system options.

Data Management

Wii Menu

Wii Icon

Wii Channel Manual
