Using the wii shop channel, An existing broadband internet connection, Wii points – Nintendo Wii User Manual

Page 14: Going shopping, Wii menu

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W i i S h o p C h a n n e l

Wii Shop Channel

Wii Shop Channel

Using the Wii Shop Channel

You will need the following to use this Channel:

An existing broadband Internet connection.

See pages 53-61 for information on connecting your Wii console to the Internet.

Wii Points

You can purchase a Nintendo Points Card

at many retailers that carry Nintendo

products, which can be redeemed for Wii Points on the Wii Shop Channel. You can

also purchase Wii Points through the Wii Shop Channel using a credit card.

NOTE: Your use of the Wii Shop Channel is subject to your acceptance of the Wii Users Agreement, the Wii Privacy

Policy and the Wii Code of Conduct. Copies of the most updated versions of these agreements may be found at

Going Shopping

In the Wii Shop Channel you can use Wii Points to download additional features and

items—including selected titles of your favorite classic NES™, Super NES™, Nintendo

64™, Sega Genesis™, TurboGrafx16™ games and more (subject to availability).

NOTE: Some Virtual Console games can only be played with a Classic

Controller™ (sold separately).

While browsing the catalog of available content in the Wii Shop Channel, you can

select a game from the list to view detailed information, including details about the

number of points needed to download the game. If you have enough points in your

account, download the game and it will be added as a channel on the Wii Menu.

If you need to add points to your account, you can either buy points with a credit card,

or redeem a Nintendo Points Card (sold separately) for Wii Points. To add points, go to

the Add Wii Points menu.

• To buy Wii Points with a credit card, select this option from the menu, enter your

credit card information, and choose the amount of points you would like to buy.

Once you confirm your purchase, the points will be added to your account.
NOTE: In some countries, you may not be able to purchase points with a credit card

and this option will not be available from the menu. To add points to your account,

you will have to purchase a Nintendo Points Card.

• To redeem a Nintendo Points Card, select this option from the menu. Scratch off the

silver area on the back of the card to reveal the Points Card activation number.

Enter the activation number into the appropriate field on the screen. After you

submit the number, the number of points printed on the front of the card will be

added to your account.

T h e W i i S h o p C h a n n e l a l l o w s y o u t o d o w n l o a d n e w C h a n n e l s , o r t o

u s e W i i P o i n t s t o d o w n l o a d V i r t u a l C o n s o l e g a m e s a n d o t h e r

p r o g r a m s s u c h a s W i i W a r e t i t l e s , o r p u r c h a s e o t h e r g o o d s o f f e r e d

( w h e n a v a i l a b l e ) o n t h e W i i S h o p C h a n n e l .

Wii Menu

Wii Shop Channel

To select an on-screen option, simply point at

it with the Wii Remote and press the A Button.

Important Notes about the Wii Shop Channel and the use of Wii Points

• Points have no monetary value and cannot be redeemed for cash. All points and

software downloads are only for use on a single Wii console and are

non-refundable and non-transferable.

• A maximum number of unused points can be stored on one Wii console.

• Additional hardware accessories may be required to use Wii software downloaded

from the Wii Shop Channel and are sold separately.

• Software downloaded from the Wii Shop Channel is licensed to you, not sold.

• Wii Points are subject to a User Agreement, which may be viewed at

• Wii Points are only redeemable for downloading software or purchasing goods

offered on the Wii Shop Channel.

• If your Parental Controls are set to restrict use of points, you will be able to

purchase Wii Points using a credit card, or redeem a Nintendo Points Card, but use

of these points will be restricted by your Parental Controls setting.

• Please visit for more information.

Wii Shop Channel
