Paradyne 7976 User Manual
Page 11

March 1999
Table 5.
Telnet Session Options
Telnet Session
Possible Settings: Enable, Disable
Default Setting: Enable
Specifies if the Termination Unit will respond to a Telnet session request from a Telnet
client on an interconnected IP network.
Telnet Login Required
Possible Settings: Enable, Disable
Default Setting: Disable
Specifies whether a user ID and password are required to access to the ATI through a
Telnet session. Login IDs are created with a password and access level.
Session Access Level
Possible Settings: Administrator, Operator
Default Setting: Administrator
The Telnet session access level is interrelated with the access level of the Login ID.
Inactivity Timeout
Possible Settings: Enable, Disable
Default Setting: Disable
Provides automatic logoff of a Telnet session.
Disconnect Time (Minutes)
Possible Settings: 1 – 60
Default Setting: 5
Number of minutes of user inactivity before a Telnet session terminates automatically.
Time out is based on no keyboard activity.
Disconnect Time (minutes) appears only when the Inactivity Timeout option is