Chapter 3. configuring the printer – Paxar Monarch TCMPCL2PR User Manual
Page 21
Chapter 3.
Configuring the Printer
This chapter discusses how to
set communication parameters.
configure the printer using online configuration packets.
use immediate commands to control the printer’s
operation at any time.
upload the printer’s configuration or font information.
Setting Communication Parameters –––––––––––––––––––––––––––
The communication parameters at the printer must match
those at the host, or you will not be able to communicate. You
can use the communication settings packet to set
communication parameters for your printer. For the 9490 and
9494 printers, you can use autobaud to set communication
parameters. For the 9446 or 1460 printers, you can set the
communication parameters at the printer.
On MS-DOS computers, you can use the MODE command to
set communication values on your PC.
For example
MODE COM1:9600,N,8,1
Sets your host to a baud rate of 9600, no parity, an 8 bit word
length, and 1 stop bit.
If you select 8 as the data bit setting, you must select NONE
for the parity. If you select 7 as the data bit setting, you must
select ODD or EVEN for the parity.