Palm Tungsten W User Manual

Page 424

background image



Preferred network

sort priority 335
viewing 334

Primary DNS 353
Prioritizing To Do List records 156, 159
Private records

displaying and creating 365–367, 384
lost with forgotten password 364

Profile 223
Profile, Mobile user 305
Protocol, changing type 235
Public Key

infrastructure 266
viewing 270

PUK 339

records 44–45
See also

Push Inbox

description 261
opening 261

Push message 262


Radio status 12
Range of times in Day view 92
Read messages, marking 215
Reading e-mail 186–189
Receipts, recording in Expense 95
Receiving messages 146
Recharging the battery 320

beaming 26–28
choosing categories 45
creating 41
Date Book 80
defined 41
deleting 43, 86
displaying a category of 46
editing 42
Expense 94
fonts 55
hiding private 359, 365
lost 384
masking private 359
Memo Pad 101
notes for 54
private 365–367

purging 44–45
sorting 53
To Do List 156
unmasking individual 366

Red indicator light 12
Redial reminder

creating 123
managing 124
setting 112
using 123

Registering Documents To Go 162
Reload icon 256, 264
Reminder lists 56

applications 61
Desktop software 61

Renaming categories 48
Repeating events

deleting from Date Book 44
scheduling 85

Replying to e-mail 202
Rescheduling events 83
Resetting handheld

hard reset 371, 379
location of reset button 13, 371
soft reset 370

Restoring data

Mac 373
Windows 372

Ring tunes

beaming 127
deleting 127
managing 126
Nokia 127

Root certificate 271


Safety emergency call 6

data 34, 41, 44
e-mail databases 246
e-mail messages 212

Scheduling events 79–83

backlight 11
blank 379
calibrating 17, 318