Palm Tungsten W User Manual

Page 415

background image



merging 48
renaming 48
using in Applications Launcher 35, 36

Cc field 196

download 271
friendly name 273
storing 271
supported types 271
view information about 257
viewing 273
WAP gateway server 257

Certificate Authority

description 266
sending information 270

Chain calculations 72
Check boxes 25
Clearing Calculator entries 71
Combining categories 48
Comma delimited files, importing data
from 29

buttons 25
toolbar 23

Command bar in VersaMail 244
Command stroke key 23, 41
Compressing Day view 91

for modem HotSync operations 300
for synchronizing applications 386, 285–

286, 372, 373

for synchronizing applications,

Macintosh 286–287

Conference call

creating 113
managing 114

Conflicting events 90

service templates 352
to server or ISP 351


GPRS 312
GSM 315
IR to PC 316
selecting for network 349

Connection Oriented mode 265
Connection types

changing in account 235
GPRS, prerequisite for 165

GPRS, using 165
GSM, prerequisite for 165
GSM, using 165
modem sled, prerequisite for 165
network connection 163
Palm Bluetooth Card, prerequisite

for 165

Palm Modem accessory, prerequisite

for 165

synchronize-only connection 163

Connectionless mode 265
Continuous events

deleting from Date Book 44
scheduling 85

Contrast control 15
See Brightness

notes into other applications 131
text 43


connecting to computer 13
for local HotSync operations 288, 295
viewing data from 320


Address Book entries 64–65
categories 35–36, 47
currency symbols 97
custom fields in Address Book 70
Date Book events 79
Expense items 94
expense reports 99
messages 144
notes for records 54
records 41
signature 150


default 97
defining 97
for Expense items 96

Current date 384
Current time 33

currencies and symbols 97
fields in Address Book 70

Cutting text 43
Cycling through views 63, 79