Palm IIIc User Manual
Page 242

Page 234
computer 37
onscreen 16, 36, 167
font style 73
Graffiti 27, 30
onscreen keyboard 36
List, in Applications Launcher 40
Lithium-ion battery 11
Locking the organizer with a
password 47–48, 167, 189
Login scripts 184–187, 223
Looking up Address Book data
to add to other records 66–67
scrolling in Address list 65
to add to e-mail addresses
organizer, contact for 89
records 203
1-2-3, for expense reports 222
cc:Mail 116
Organizer, importing data from
Macintosh 4, 109, 148, 184
address lookup 122–123
attachments 133
BCC (blind carbon copy) 123,
changing setup 118
closing 119
confirm delivery 123, 126
confirm read 123, 126
creating 119–121
deleting e-mail 129
desktop configuration 116–118
draft e-mail 127
editing unsent e-mail 126
filing e-mail 128
filtering options 132–137
folders 130
HotSync options 117–118
menus 138
opening 118
overview 115–116
priority of delivery 123, 124
purging deleted e-mail 130
recovering deleted 129
replying to e-mail 121
sending 126
showing dates 131
signature 123, 125–126
sorting 131
synchronizing 118
truncating 137
viewing e-mail 118
Main applications 17
Maintenance information 193
Masking records 70
Memo Pad
archive files (.mpa) 37
categorizing records 61
conduit for synchronizing 146
creating records 55, 98
deleting records 57, 81
dragging memos into other
fonts 73
menus 99, 102
opening 53
overview 53
private records 71
reviewing memos 98
sorting records 69, 203
amount of free 212
for beaming 210
Calculator 101
regaining 58, 201
Memos. See Memo Pad
Menus 18–20, 202