LST 2351TEM User Manual

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Building Safety. Building Security.
The Optical-Thermal Detector 2351TEM uses both the
scattered light principle as well as a separate thermal
detection unit. It was developed to detect the charac-
teristics of fi re in a wide range of applications, and to
avoid deceptive alarms. The modern design of both
measurement systems and the analysis of the parame-
ters by means of a special algorithm allow to reliably
evaluate the characteristics of fi re. This makes it an
all-rounder that is used in virtually all fi elds of fi re de-
An internal drift compensation adjusts the alarm thres-
hold by continually evaluating the contamination of the
detector. With that, the sensitivity of the detector is
kept constant for a long time.
The thermal sensor complies with Class A1R accor-
ding to EN 54-5. The detector can therefore be used in
rooms with a maximum height of 7.5m.
Addressable conventional technology is used for alarm
transmission to the fi re detection control panel. The
detector addressing can be achieved in 2 ways:
• A detector with an Address Module NG58-1 can be
individually identifi ed by the suitable control panel.
• An address, which has been stored in the detector
by means of the Remote Programming and Test Unit,
is displayed on the Zonal Display Unit S300ZDU.
A test activation of the detector can be carried out
using the Remote Test Unit ECO1000RTU. In addition
to the test activation of the detector, the Remote Pro-
gramming and Test Unit S300RPTU can also be used
to set and display the following detector parameters:
• the sensitivity in 3 levels,
• the detector address, and
• the date of the previous maintenance.
Furthermore, the degree of drift compensation (de-
tector contamination) and the current condition of the
detector can be read out.
The detector can be attached to various detector ba-
ses and it can be protected against theft.
• Addressable conventional technology
• Combination of optical and thermal
characteristics of fi re
• Drift compensation
• Sensitivity selectable in 3 steps
• Addressing by means of address
module or detector parameterisation
• Function testable with Remote Test
Unit ECO1000RTU