E.6 rf board commands – Lennox Hearth G8 User Manual

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TracVision G8 Owner’s Manual - Guide to Technical Information


RF Board Commands

Serial Communications, Status/Polarization Report, Tone Changes


start serial communications, reports status &

polarization/tone changes




S,s,p,b,m every 5 seconds until >is

returned from system software


s = Satellite (a = Primary, b = Secondary)
p = Polarization (v = Vertical, h = Horizontal,

r = Right, l = Left, x = No LNB Power)

b = Band (h = High Band, l = Low band,

g = Latin America, u = USA)

m = Mode (v = Valid, i = Invalid)*

* The Mode bit is used to evaluate the Satellite, Polarization & Band
combination vs. the Frequency/Symbol Rate/FEC currently in RAM. This
bit will be set to invalid if the Frequency for the selected combination is
set to 0x0000; otherwise it will be set to valid. For example the Mode bit
will be set to invalid when the frequency is set to 00000 to indicate that
there is not a frequency to track for the LNB tone and voltage setting.

Report RF Tracking Parameters


reports all RF tracking parameters for primary &

secondary satellites*






x = Satellite (a = Primary, b = Secondary)
fffff = Frequency in MHz (00000 and 10700 to


S = Symbol rate in Mbit/Sec (1000 to 29999)
C = FEC code rate (valid rates = 12, 23, 34, 56,

67, 78)

ID = Satellite Network ID in hexidecimal format

(valid range = 0x0000 to 0xffff hex)

P = LNB Polarization (v = Vertical, h = Horizontal,

r = Right, l = Left)

B = the LNB down conversion frequency (l = low,

h = high, G = Latin America, U = USA)

D = decoding type (0 = test, 1 = DSS-A, 2 = DSS-B,

3 = DVB)

* This command dumps all eight combinations of the Satellite/Freq/Sym/
FEC/ID/POL/Band/Decode currently stored in RAM.

Table E-6

RF Board Commands