Lennox Hearth G8 User Manual

Page 127

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TracVision G8 Owner’s Manual - Guide to Technical Information

BIAS/RF: 2065 2082 2543

BIAS/RF: 2057 2185 2583

BIAS/RF: 2032 2146 2572

Check cal gyro to rate bias

BiasLimit = 8.00 BiasFOGLimit = 0.0003 BiasCorrection = 5.00

Gyro Bias: Az = 2069.15, Cal Az = 2067.98 -------Expected range is 1700-2300

Gyro Bias: El = 2050.04, Cal El = 2049.54

Gyro Bias: Az = 2069.15, El = 2050.04, Az FOG = 0.000300

Gyro Uncertainty: Az = 3.00, El = 3.00

GPS(ACTIVE),41.52,N, 71.28,W, 083000.00 ----------GPS position data (latitude, longitude, UTC)

GPS: DSS_101 AZ = 259.4, EL = 34.1 --------------Calculated satellite position based on GPS

*** Entering Tracking ***

+POS: 351.2 37.2 2531

%PRY: 1.2 -2.1 242.4 -------------------------Internal sensor data (pitch, roll, and yaw)

*** Network ID Check ***-------------------------Comparing the tracked satellite’s network ID to

RF: Normalize for AGC level changes the selected satellite’s network ID

+POS: 351.2 36.8 2554

%PRY: 1.4 -2.2 242.3

RF: Y,0xFFFE -------------------------------------Indicates positive satellite identification

*** Tracking DSS_101 ***-------------------------Identifies satellite currently tracked

Avg: 37.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (TV broadcast image should be available)

Set con radius to 0.250 and 0.250

RF: IGNORE ID,0x0000

+POS: 352.0 35.8 2634

%PRY: 1.2 -2.2 242.2

Avg: 37.6 37.1 36.9 36.5 37.0

Saved Sat Pos: AZ = 233.0, EL = 37.0

+POS: 351.9 36.2 2606

%PRY: 1.2 -1.8 242.2

Rate Bias (Before): Az = 2.0692e+03 EL = 2.0500e+03

Rate Bias (After): Az = 2.0692e+03 EL = 2.0500e+03

Gyro Bias Residue: Az = -1.7217e-01 EL = 2.8887e-01

+POS: 352.0 36.1 2600

%PRY: 1.6 -2.3 242.3

+POS: 351.5 35.8 2576

%PRY: 1.2 -2.2 242.2

Conscan=>sleep: sat in 1.75 deg window.

+POS: 351.8 35.9 2611

%PRY: 1.2 -1.9 242.2


Old Gyro Bias: Az = 2069.20 EL = 2049.97

New Gyro Bias: Az = 2069.37 EL = 2049.68

RF: AGC=58792

Avg: 36.7 37.1 36.9 36.5 37.0

Saved Sat Pos: AZ = 232.6, EL = 36.9

+POS: 351.8 35.9 2610

%PRY: 1.2 -2.0 242.4