S ca le la ser 2 0 0 a r f – Lanier LASER 200 User Manual

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S ca le La ser 2 0 0 A R F -


© 2002 Lanier R/C

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75. Y ou w ill need to relieve m ore of the cow l,

depending on the m uffler you decide to use.

76. Install the landing gear on the bottom of the fuse

w ith the included 4m m screw s and w ashers.

77. Position the gear fairing on the gear, then glue in

place w ith goop. Clam p in place until dry.

78. Locate the position of the axle hole in the w heel

pants using the 4” w heel as a guide.

79. M ark the size of the axle hole w ith the plyw ood

w heel pant plate, then drill w ith a drem el
grinding bit.

80. Center the w heel pant plate inside the pant, then

fasten w ith 30 m inute epoxy.

81. Secure the axle support plate on the opposite

side, keeping the w heel pant level.

82. Press the 4-40 blind nut into the plate using a

sm all clam p or large pliers.