S ca le la ser 2 0 0 a r f – Lanier LASER 200 User Manual

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S ca le La ser 2 0 0 A R F -


© 2002 Lanier R/C

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60. G lue the balsa triangle stock in place w ith CA .

61. U se a ruler to find the vertical center of the

firew all and m ark a straight line.

62. M ake a second m ark 1/8” to the right (w hile

looking at the firew all from the front) of the
center m ark, and m ake a second m ark, then draw
a line perpendicular to the first line.

63. M easure dow n from the top of the firew all 2-

1/4”” and m ark a horizontal line.

64. C enter your engine m ount on

these lines, then

m ark the holes on the firew all.

65. D rill the holes for 10-32 bolts and tem porarily

m ount the engine on the firew all w ith 10-32


1”-1/4 bolts, #10 w ashers, and blind nuts .

66. M easure the distance from the firew all to the

front of the prop back plate and com pare to the
m easurem ent you calculated earlier. Y ou should
have a m inim um of 1/8” clearance from the back
of the prop to the front

of the cow ling. If

needed, use som e scrap plyw ood spacers to
space the engine forw ard.

67. Place tw o #8 w ashers betw een the firew all and

engine m ount on both right side engine m ounting
bolts (facing the firew all) to give the




68. W hen the engine is aligned properly, install the

10-32 nylon lock nuts in place inside the