Data compatibility – KORG TRITON STUDIO V2 User Manual
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Other functionality
3. Sequencer mode parameters
• The KARMA system version 2.0 “Tone Adjust” setting
will be loaded correctly. If a KARMA system version 1.0
file is loaded, this parameter will be set to the default
• The TRITON STUDIO version 2.0 Audio Track 1, 2
setting will be set to the default value, and the WAVE
file assign (“WAVE File”) will be set to No Assign.
Parameters that are valid on the
TRITON Le but invalid on the TRITON
1. Insert effects (IFX)
The insert effect (IFX) parameters of Combination, Program,
and Sequencer modes will be loaded as parameters for IFX1.
The parameters of IFX2...IFX5 will be set to the default val-
2. Drum kits
Drum kits 00–15 (INT) will be loaded into 00–15 (A/B), and
drum kits 16–23 (User) will be loaded into 16–23 (E-A).
3. Arpeggio patterns
Arpeggio patterns U000–119 (INT) will be loaded into
U000–199 (A/B)
, and arpeggio patterns U200–215 (User) will
be loaded into U200–215 (E-A).
4. Program mode Audition Riff and Transpose settings
Since the TRITON STUDIO does not have an Audition Riff
function, these parameters will be maintained as internal
data but will be ignored.
5. Sequencer mode parameters
“Tone Adjust,” “Audio Track 1,” and “Audio Track 2”
parameters will be set to their default values. The WAVE file
assignment (“WAVE File”) will be set to No Assign.
TRITON STUDIO operating system version 2.0 (subse-
quently referred to as version 2.0) maintains compatibility in
its various data formats with the earlier TRITON STUDIO
operating system version 1.x (subsequently referred to as
version 1.0). However, you should be aware of the following
The TRITON STUDIO’s various data formats are com-
patible with the TRITON/TRITON Pro/TRITON ProX
and the TRITON-Rack. Data can be saved/loaded via
external media such as floppy disk, or via MIDI exclu-
sive data dump or parameter changes. However, you
should be aware of differences in bank structure or
parameter structure. For details, refer to the owner’s
manuals of the TRITON/TRITON Pro/TRITON ProX
and TRITON-Rack.
Parameters that are valid in version
2.0 but invalid in version 1.0
1. Sequencer mode parameters added in version 2.0
• “Tone Adjust,” “Audio Track,” “WAVE File”
Version 2.0
version 1.0
Since version 1.0 does not have the “Tone Adjust,” “Audio
Track,” and “WAVE File” (WAVE file assignment) parame-
ters, these will be ignored.
Version 1.0
version 2.0
These version 2.0 parameters will be set to their default val-
• Exclusive messages within event data
Version 2.0
version 1.0
Since version 1.0 does not have this functionality, these mes-
sages will be ignored.
2. Global mode parameters added in version 2.0
• “Foot Switch Assign” Tap Tempo setting
Version 2.0
version 1.0
In version 1.0, the setting will be SW2.
Data compatibility