Load pcg (ram) and samples, Command, P.49) – KORG TRITON STUDIO V2 User Manual
Page 54

Other functionality
29) Load AKAI Volume:
This command loads the Program files and Sample files
from a volume of an AKAI S1000/3000 format sample CD.
In the 0–1: Load page, use “Drive Select” to select the
AKAI S1000/S3000 format media.
In the directory window, select the desired AKAI S1000/
3000 format volume.
Select the page menu command “Load selected” to open
the dialog box.
If you check “Advanced Conversion Load,” all Sample
files in the selected volume will be loaded as samples.
The key group, key group zone, oscillator, pitch, filter,
amp/pan, and EG parameters of the Program files will
be converted into TRITON STUDIO programs or pro-
grams and combinations. (Multisamples will also be con-
vert-loaded at this time.)
If you do not check “Advanced Conversion Load,” all
Sample files in the selected volume will be loaded as
samples, and Program files will be loaded as multisam-
ples. Only the keymap-related parameters of the Pro-
gram files will be loaded to create the multisamples.
☞PG p.164 “28) Load AKAI Program File,” PG p.165
“About AKAI PROGRAM files”)
If you checked “Advanced Conversion Load,” use
“Append to: Combination”
to specify the destination
bank and number of the combination that will be created
by the convert-load operation. When you execute the
command, the combinations that are created will be
loaded starting at the bank and number you specify here.
If you checked “Advanced Conversion Load,” use
“Append to: Program”
to specify the destination bank
and number of the program that will be created by the
convert-load operation. When you execute the com-
mand, the programs that are created will be loaded start-
ing at the bank and number you specify here.
If the loading-destination bank and number exceed
EXB-G127, loading will automatically stop.
The data in the locations following the specified bank/
number will be rewritten when you load. If you want to
keep this data, use “Save All” or “Save PCG” before
you load the AKAI Volume data.
Add the contents of “Load AKAI Volume” following “Param-
eter Guide” 0–1: Load – 28) Load AKAI Program File (
p.164). Change “29) Load .KCD” (
☞PG p.165) to “30) Load
“Load PCG (RAM) and Samples” has been added to the
page menu commands of the 0–1: Load page.
“Load PCG (RAM) and Samples” examines a .PCG file and
loads only the programs, drum kits, combinations, and
songs that use RAM samples. This function is a useful way
to manage programs or combinations that use RAM sam-
ples. Sample based sounds from various .PCG files can now
be merged into a single bank, and resaved if needed
This also provides an efficient way to load Korg TRITON
format sample CD library data that is available from other
0–1D: Load PCG (RAM) and Samples
This command loads from a .PCG file only the programs,
drum kits, combinations, and songs that use RAM samples.
You can select this when loading a .PCG file. In the loading
dialog box, specify the first bank and number; the applicable
data will be loaded into consecutive numbers that follow the
specified number. Samples and programs will also be
renumbered automatically while being loaded so that they
will correspond correctly.
In the directory window, select a .PCG file.
Select this command to open the dialog box.
This command will be visible and can be selected only if
you have selected a .PCG file.
If you also want to load the .SNG file of the identical
name as the .PCG file, check the “Load ********.SNG too”
check box. The identically-named .SNG file will also be
AKAI format
program file
AKAI format
sample file
Load PCG (RAM) and Samples