Playing a delay motion sequence, Recording a delay motion sequence, Checking motion data – KORG ES-1 User Manual

Page 42

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5. Pattern mode

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Checking motion data

If motion sequence data has been recorded, you can hold down
the Shift key and press the Motion Sequence key to view the
status in the step keys.

• If motion sequence (selected part data) is included

Step keys 1, 2, 3, 4 will light

• If effect motion sequence (Edit 1 data) is included

Step keys 5 and 6 will light

• If effect motion sequence (Edit 2 data) is included

Step keys 7 and 8 will light

• If delay motion sequence (delay depth data) is included

Step keys 9 and 10 will light

• If delay motion sequence (delay time data) is included

Step keys 11 and 12 will light

It is not possible to check motion sequence data during
playback, recording, or sampling, nor during Pattern Set

Playing a delay motion sequence

A "delay motion sequence" is a special motion sequence just for
the delay effect. Unlike a motion sequence for a part, the move-
ments of two knobs, Delay Depth and Delay Time, can be re-
corded simultaneously. The playback method is the same as for

playback of a part motion sequence.

There will be no effect if the delay Motion Seq is off (dark).

Recording a delay motion


Movements of the two knobs Delay Depth and Delay time can
be recorded. If BPM Sync is on (lit), the motion sequence will
synchronize to the tempo of the delay time.

1. Select the pattern that you wish to edit.

2. Turn the delay Motion Seq key on (lit).

3. Press the Rec key to enter record-ready mode. (The Rec key

will light, and the Play/Pause key will blink.)

4. Press the Play/Pause key to start the pattern. (The Rec key

and Play/Pause key will light.)

5. Move the Delay Depth knob to create various changes until

the pattern plays for one cycle (16 steps


length, or 12 steps



6. When the pattern has played for one cycle after you began

moving the knob, the Rec key will automatically go dark and
playback will resume, allowing you to hear the motion se-
quence that you just recorded.

You can record the movements of the Delay Time knob in the
same way.