6 terminology, 7 command description, 1 system commands – KTI Networks 24-PORT KGS-2401 User Manual

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7.6 Terminology

The following table shows general parameter types used in command syntaxes and descriptions.

The port number

Comma and/or dash separated port list. This type can be used for specifying
individual ports or a range of ports. The keyword none can be used to specify an
empty port list. The keyword all can be used to specify all ports. Example: 1,3,8-

MAC Address; format: hh-hh-hh-hh-hh-hh, hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh or

hhhhhhhhhhhh. The hh is Hexadecimal number in the range 0x00 to 0xFF.
Example: 00-00-24-F1-02-03

VLAN ID: Decimal number in the range 1-4095. The keyword all can be used
to specify all VLAN IDs.

Comma and/or dash separated VLAN ID list. This type can be used for specify-
ing individual VLAN IDs or a range of VLAN IDs. The keyword none can be
used to specify an empty VLAN ID list. Example: 1,2,4-6

UDP/TCP port number: Decimal number in the range 0-65535.

Leaky bucket rate in Kbit/s [0-1000000k] or Mbit/s [0-1000m]

The type is helpful when setting up multiple ports in the same mode. For example, the
following commands divide the ports into two untagged VLANs and enable VLAN awareness:

vlan add 1 1-8

vlan add 2 9-16

vlan pvid 1-8 1

vlan pvid 9-16 2

vlan aware all enable

7.7 Command Description

In this session, the commands in each group and the descriptions to those commands are provided
respectively in the following group order:

1. System

2. Console

3. Port

4. MAC


6. Aggregation

7. QoS

8. Mirror

9. IP