Material safety data sheet (3/3) – Sharp FO-DC500 User Manual

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Date Revised :Oct. 7, 2002

Date Issued :May. 28, 1998


MSDS No. B-1020

Section 12. Ecological Information

No data are available on the adverse effects of this material on the environment.

Section 13. Disposal Consideration

Appropriate Methods of Disposal

Preparation(community provisions): Waste may be disposed or incinerated under conditions which meet all

federal, state and local environmental regulations.

Contaminated Packaging: Waste may be disposed or incinerated under conditions which meet all federal,

state and local environmental regulations.

Precautions: Do not throw the toner cartridge or toner into a n open flame. The hot toner may scatter and

cause burns or other damage.

Section 14. Transport Information

Special Precautions: None

Information on Code and Classifications According to International Regulations

UN Classification: None

Section 15. Regulatory Information

US Information

Information on the label: Not required

TSCA(Toxic Substances Control Act):

All chemical substances in this product comply with all applicable rules or order under TSCA.

SARA(Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act) Title III

302 Extreme Hazardous Substance: None

311/312 Hazard Categories: None

313 Reportable Ingredients: None

California Proposition 65:

This product contains no chemical substances subject to California Proposition 65.

EU Information

Information on the label (88/379/EEC) and 67/548/EEC) :

Symbol & Indication : Not required

R-phrase : Not required

S-phrase : Not required


All chemical substances in this product comply with all applicable rules or order under 76/769/EEC.

Section 16. Other Information

NFPA Hazard Rating: The National Fire Protection Agency(USA): Health: 1 Flammability: 1 Reactivity: 0

HMIS Rating: The National Paint and Coating Association(USA): Health: 1 Flammability: 1 Reactivity: 0

Recommended Uses: Toner for Electrophotographic Equipment


This information relates only to the specific material designated as supplied by the

manufacturer. This information is supplied to us by the manufacturer and Sharp offers no

warranties as to its accuracy and accepts no responsibilities for any typographical errors which

may appear on these sheets. It is the responsibility of the user to determine the suitability of

this product for each particular use.

Literature References:

ANSI Z400.1-1993

ISO 11014-1

Commission Directive 91/155/EEC

The Material Safety Data sheet: A Practical Guide to First Aid: Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety's publication

HMIS IMPLEMENTATION MANUAL: National Paint & Coatings association

IARC(1996): IARC monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Humans, Vol.

65, Printing Process and Printing Inks, Carbon Black and Some Nitro Compounds, Lyon, pp.149-261

H.Muhle, B.Bellmann, O.Creutzenberg, C.Dasenbrock, H.Ernst, R.Kilpper, J.C.MacKenzie, P.Morrow,

U.Mohr, S.Takenaka, and R.Mermelstein(1991) Pulmonary Response to Toner upon Chronic Inhalation

Exposure in Rats. Fundamental and Applied Toxicology 17, pp.280-299.

Rivision Record:

Oct. / 7 / 2002

Addition : Contact information

Change : Section 15 EU information : “88 / 379 / EEC”

“1999 / 45 / EC”

July / 22/ 2002

Addition : Product Name FO-50ND