Aop faults & warnings, Fault indication/fault screen, Warning indication/warning screen – Siemens SED2 User Manual

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AOP Faults & Warnings

Siemens Building Technologies


AOP Faults & Warnings


If a fault/warning condition occurs on a SED2 VFD(s) to which an AOP connects, a
fault/warning code displays with a description of the relevant fault/warning. For a
list of fault/warning codes, see the SED2 VFD Operations & Maintenance Manual,
Document No. 125-3202.

Fault Indication/Fault Screen

1. If a fault condition occurs on a connected SED2 VFD(s), the AOP provides a fault message

with specific information about the fault condition such as:

Identity of the SED2 VFD with the fault condition

Fault code number

Plain text explanation of the fault condition

2. Proceed by doing one of the following:


to acknowledge the fault, or


to clear the fault and perform a manual restart of the SED2 VFD.

Clearing the fault may depend on the fault condition. It may be necessary to investigate
the cause of the fault. Simultaneously press


to display a fault-specific help

screen to facilitate diagnosing the fault condition.


The AOP can only clear a fault if Command Source P0700[1]=4 (USS on BOP
link or AOP).

Warning Indication/Warning Screen

1. If a warning condition occurs on a connected SED2 VFD(s), the AOP provides a warning

message with specific information about the warning condition such as:

Identity of the VFD with the warning condition

Warning code number

Plain text explanation of the warning condition

2. There is no requirement for you to acknowledge a warning message. The message displays

as long as the SED2 VFD reports the warning condition.

Simultaneously press


to display a warning -specific help screen to facilitate

diagnosing the warning condition.