Glossary – Sanyo NET@ DP47460 User Manual
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Digital bandwidth, network bandwidth or just band-
width is a measure of available or consumed data com-
munication resources expressed in bit/s (bits per sec-
ond) or multiples of it (kbit/s, Mbit/s, etc.)
Memory used to temporarily hold data. In streaming,
the buffer allows content to continue playing uninter-
rupted during minor fluctuations in band width. If the
buffer runs our before the connection stabilizes, the
stream will have to rebuffer, or pause to allow the buffer
to refill.
A codec is a device or program capable of performing
encoding and decoding on a digital data stream or signal.
Dynamic Host Control Protocol, DHCP, is a protocol
where a DHCP server on a network hands out IP address
automatically to devices that request one.
Dolby Digital:
Dolby Digital, or AC-3, is the common version contain-
ing up to six discrete channels of sound, with five chan-
nels for normal-range speakers.
Dolby Digital Plus:
Dolby Digital Plus (DD+ or E-AC-3 (Enhanced AC-3)), is a
digital audio compression scheme. E-AC-3 has a num-
ber of improvements aimed at increasing quality at a
given bitrate compared with legacy Dolby Digital (AC-3).
A way of connecting equipment together in a local area
network or LAN. Ethernet cables look like thick tele-
phone cables and connect computers and other internet
ready devices together or to devices like modems,
routers, switches, etc. Physically the Ethernet cable con-
sists of twisted pair copper cables (usually Cat-5 or Cat-
6 in home networks) terminated with RJ-45 connectors.
H.264 is a state-of-the-art digital encoding format for
high definition video and provides powerful
compression technology that delivers a superior video
experience at a low bit rate.
High-Definition Multimedia Interface. A connection type
that transmits uncompressed digital video and audio
signals between devices, such as: a Blu-ray Disc player
and HDTV. HDMI connections process a special author-
ization signal between the equipment and use HDCP to
encrypt the transmission.
Similar to a switch except that traffic from one connec-
tion point is broadcast to all others.
The internet is a global system of interconnected com-
puter networks that use the standard Internet Protocol
Suite (TCP/IP) to serve billions of users worldwide. It
carries a vast array of information resources and servic-
es, most notably the inter-linked hypertext documents
of the World Wide Web (WWW) and the infrastructure
to support electronic mail.
IP Address:
Internet Protocol Address. An IP address is numerical
sets of numbers consisting of four (4) blocks of up to
three (3) digits each in the range of 0 to 254. Every
device on a network must have its own unique
IP address. For LANs there are special sets of IPs that
are used. These consist of the following blocks:
10.x.x.x – where x = a number from 0 to 254.
An Internet Service Provider (ISP), usually for a month-
ly subscription fee, will allow a user to connect to the
Internet. Some ISPs directly put their users on the
Internet, while others will send a connection through its
or a different company’s servers.
Local Area Network– A high speed data network
installed in a small area such as a home or office.
Multiple devices can be connected to share information
and the Internet. LANs can be wired (by Ethernet cable)
or wireless (Wi-Fi)
Media Streaming:
The process of receiving and playing back audio, video,
and photos in real time from a remote source over the
Internet. Examples of media streaming include: Videos
on demand, Internet radio stations, Music services, and