Configuring the smc2582w-b, Entering the user name and password – SMC Networks SMC2582W-B User Manual

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2.4. Configuring the SMC2582W-B

After the IP addressing is configured, launch a Web browser on the managing computer.Then, go to
“” to access the Start page of the SMC2582W-B’s Web-based management

TIP: For maintenance configuration of an SMC2582W-B, the SMC2582W-B can be reached
by its host name using a Web browser. For example, if the SMC2582W-B is named “AP”,you can
use the URL “http://AP” to access the Web-based management interface of the SMC2582W-B.

2.4.1. Entering the User Name and Password

Before the start page is shown, you will be prompted to enter the user name and password to gain
the right to access the Web-based management interface. For first-time configuration, use the
default user name “admin” and default password “smcadmin”,respectively.

Fig. 5. Entering the user name and password.

NOTE: It is strongly recommended that the password be changed to other value for security
reasons. On the start page, click the General, Password link to change the value of the
password (see Section 3.3.1 for more information).

TIP: Since the start page shows the current settings and status of the SMC2582W-B,
it can be saved or printed within the Web browser for future reference.