Siemens 500 NIM User Manual

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NIM Primitives


SIMATIC TIWAY I Series 500 NIM User Manual





Number of records in error


Record numbers in error


Data records returned without errors

NOTE: An exception will be returned if the write portion of this Primitive
fails. No data will be returned for records in error or invalid read defintions.

Availability: Release 3.0

Primitives 58 and 59 transfer various types of program or configuration
data to and from a secondary.

All data is transferred by data blocks. The blocks are numbered
sequentially, starting from 0. The sequence number is contained within the
primitive, and incremented each time a data block is returned.

A reference field, used by the host to identify and control attached device
programs, is also defined in the Upload and Download Primitives. The
reference field is returned to the host within the the primitive response, but
is not modified by the attached device.

The attached device program definition is divided into segments. The Series
500 NIM supports program segments (which contain executable structures)
and variable segments (which contain program variables). The segments
can be requested by using a bit mask with Primitive 58.

The attached device also has a programmable time-out value. This value is
used to determine whether the device should be removed from an upload or
download if it does not receive the next upload or download request within
the time-out period.

Attached Device States during Upload and Download. An attached
device can be in one of three states in relation to an upload or download

Not uploading or downloading (neutral)

In upload

In download

Program Upload &
Download Primitive
Codes 58 and 59