Table 2: text conventions, Table 3: syntax conventions – Juniper Networks IDP SERIES IDP250 User Manual

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Table 2 on page viii

defines text conventions used in this guide.

Table 2: Text Conventions




Issue the clock source command.

Specify the keyword exp-msg.

Click User Objects

Represents commands and keywords
in text.

Represents keywords

Represents UI elements

Bold typeface like this

user input

Represents text that the user must type.

Bold typeface like this


show ip ospf
Routing Process OSPF 2 with Router
Router is an area Border Router

Represents information as displayed on
the terminal screen.

fixed-width font

Ctrl + d

Indicates that you must press two or more
keys simultaneously.

Key names linked with a plus (+) sign

The product supports two levels of
access, user and privileged.

clusterID, ipAddress.

Emphasizes words

Identifies variables


Object Manager > User Objects > Local

Indicates navigation paths through the UI
by clicking menu options and links.

The angle bracket (>)

Table 3 on page viii

defines syntax conventions used in this guide.

Table 3: Syntax Conventions




terminal length

Represent keywords

Words in plain text

mask, accessListName

Represent variables

Words in italics

diagnostic | line

Represent a choice to select one keyword or
variable to the left or right of this symbol. The
keyword or variable can be optional or required.

Words separated by the pipe ( | )

[ internal | external ]

Represent optional keywords or variables.

Words enclosed in brackets ( [ ] )

[ level1 | level2 | 11 ]*

Represent optional keywords or variables that
can be entered more than once.

Words enclosed in brackets followed
by and asterisk ( [ ]*)

{ permit | deny } { in | out } { clusterId
| ipAddress }

Represent required keywords or variables.

Words enclosed in braces ( { } )

Copyright © 2012, Juniper Networks, Inc.


IDP250 Installation Guide