Matching as/400 parameters for 5494 controllers, Communicating with remote workstation controllers – IBM AS/400 User Manual

Page 47

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Chapter 7. Communicating with remote workstation

You can configure the AS/400 system to communicate with another AS/400 system, a non-AS/400 system,
or a remote controller. This configuration requires the coordination of configuration parameters and values.

To configure your AS/400 to communicate with remote workstation controllers, see the following:
v “Matching AS/400 parameters for 5494 controllers”

v “Matching AS/400 parameters for 3x74 controller” on page 58

v “Matching AS/400 parameters for finance controllers” on page 62

v “Matching AS/400 parameters for retail controllers” on page 67

Matching AS/400 parameters for 5494 controllers

You must coordinate the configuration parameters and values to configure the AS/400 system to
communicate with a 5494 controller. You can coordinate these values automatically or manually. Pick one
of the ways:
v To automatically connect the AS/400 to a 5494 controller, you can use the automatic remote controller

(QAUTORMT) system value.

v To manually connect the AS/400 to a 5494, you can use the following examples and the tables.

The list contains only those configuration prompts and parameters that require coordination on both
AS/400 and the 5494 controller. In addition, some of the parameters that are listed may not apply to
your particular configuration.
“Matching AS/400 parameters for a 5494 connected by token-ring”
“Matching AS/400 parameters for a 5494 connected by Ethernet” on page 44
“Matching AS/400 parameters for a 5494 connected by frame relay” on page 46
“Matching AS/400 parameters for a 5494 connected by SDLC” on page 48
“Matching AS/400 parameters for a 5494 connected by X.21” on page 52
“Matching AS/400 parameters for a 5494 connected by X.25” on page 54

For more information about configuring the 5494, see these books:
v IBM 5494 Remote Control Unit Planning Guide, GA27-3936

v IBM 5494 Remote Control Unit User’s Guide, GA27-3852

v Remote Work Station Support


Matching AS/400 parameters for a 5494 connected by token-ring

You must coordinate communications configuration parameters between AS/400 and the 5494 controller
that is connected by token-ring. You can coordinate these values automatically or manually. Pick one of
these ways:
v To automatically connect the AS/400 to a 5494 controller, you can use the automatic remote controller

(QAUTORMT) system value.

v To manually connect the AS/400 to a 5494:

– See “Example: Connecting AS/400 to a 5494 controller connected by token-ring” on page 43 for an

example of connecting AS/400 to a 5494 controller by token-ring.

– Use the following table to configure the AS/400 to a 5494 controller that is connected by token-ring.

The following table gives a description of the parameters . The related fields and subfields from the
5494 configuration display, the AS/400 configuration value, and the matching 5494 value to enter are

For more information about configuring the 5494, see these books:
v IBM 5494 Remote Control Unit Planning Guide, GA27-3936,

v IBM 5494 Remote Control Unit User’s Guide, GA27-3852

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