Configuring dependent lu requester (dlur), Configuring the host controller description, Configuring the device descriptions – IBM AS/400 User Manual

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Configuring dependent LU requester (DLUR)

Dependent LU Requester (DLUR) allows dependent secondary logical units (LU 0, 1, 2, and 3) an entry
point into the APPN network. DLUR support gives the appearance of having an adjacent connection to
VTAM, but allows traversing the APPN network through intermediate nodes.

Note: DLUR uses logmode CPSVRMGR. This is created internally as part of the APPN and DLUR

support. If CPSVRMGR exists as a user-defined logmode on any of the systems in your network, it
must be deleted. Use the Work with Mode Descriptions (WRKMODD) command and specify the
option to delete CPSVRMGR.

To configure the AS/400 system to communicate with DLUR, perform these steps:
1. Configure a host controller description
2. Configure device descriptions
3. Verify that an APPN connection into the network exists (host or APPC controller with *YES specified for

the APPN parameter).

Configuring the host controller description

Use the Create Controller Description (SNA Host) (CRTCTLHOST) command to create the controller
description. If you have already created a controller description for such functions as 3270 emulation or
NRF, you must change the link type to *DLUR. Follow these steps:
1. Retrieve the configuration description for the Dependent LU Requester (DLUR) controller description

using the Retrieve Configuration Source (RTVCFGSRC) command.

2. Edit the member to change the link type to *DLUR.
3. Convert the source to a CL program.
4. Create the CL program using the CRTCLPGM command.
5. Delete the configuration using the DLTCTLD command.
6. Call the CL program to create the new configuration.

An explanation of some of the fields on the Create Controller Description (SNA Host) (CRTCTLHOST)
screen are as follows:

Local exchange identifier

Matches the ID block and ID number parameters from the PU definition on VTAM.

Dependent PU name

Matches the name of the PU specified on the PU definition on VTAM.

Note: If the local exchange identifier and the dependent PU name are specified, both must match

the definitions on VTAM. If both parameter values do not match, the ACTPU will be

If the *DIAL value is specified for the INLCNN parameter, the primary DLUS name
(PRIDLUS), and either the local exchange identifier (LCLEXCHID), or the dependent PU
name (DEPPUNAME) must be specified.

Control point name and network identifier for the primary DLUS name

Matches the SSCP name and NETID parameters on the VTAM startup options.

For the last step see, Configuring the device descriptions.

Configuring the device descriptions

Use the Create Device Description (CRTDEVDSP) command to create the device.

Dependent location name

Matches the LU name on the LU definition on VTAM.

Chapter 5. Communicating with host systems