IBM Z10 EC User Manual

Page 49

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be dynamically routed to the z/OS image most capable of

handling the work. This dynamic workload balancing, along

with the capability to have read/write access data from any-

where in the Parallel Sysplex cluster, provides scalability

and availability. When confi gured properly, a Parallel Sys-

plex cluster is designed with no single point of failure and

can provide customers with near continuous application

availability over planned and unplanned outages.

With the introduction of the z10 EC, we have the concept

of n-2 on the hardware as well as the software. The z10 EC

participates in a Sysplex with System z10 BC, System z9,

z990 and z890 only and currently supports z/OS 1.8 and


For detailed information on IBM’s Parallel Sysplex technol-

ogy, visit our Parallel Sysplex home page at http://www-

Coupling Facility Control Code (CFCC) Level 16

CFCC Level 16 is being made available on the IBM

System z10 EC.

Improved service time with Coupling Facility Duplex-

ing enhancements: Prior to Coupling Facility Control

Code (CFCC) Level 16, System-Managed Coupling

Facility (CF) Structure Duplexing required two duplexing

protocol exchanges to occur synchronously during pro-

cessing of each duplexed structure request. CFCC Level

16 allows one of these protocol exchanges to complete

asynchronously. This allows faster duplexed request ser-

vice time, with more benefi ts when the Coupling Facilities

are further apart, such as in a multi-site Parallel Sysplex


List notifi cation improvements: Prior to CFCC Level 16,

when a shared queue (subsidiary list) changed state from

empty to non-empty, the CF would notify ALL active con-

nectors. The fi rst one to respond would process the new

message, but when the others tried to do the same, they

would fi nd nothing, incurring additional overhead.

CFCC Level 16 can help improve the effi ciency of coupling

communications for IMS Shared Queue and WebSphere

MQ Shared Queue environments. The Coupling Facility

notifi es only one connector in a sequential fashion. If the

shared queue is processed within a fi xed period of time,

the other connectors do not need to be notifi ed, saving the

cost of the false scheduling. If a shared queue is not read

within the time limit, then the other connectors are notifi ed

as they were prior to CFCC Level 16.

When migrating CF levels, lock, list and cache structure

sizes might need to be increased to support new function.

For example, when you upgrade from CFCC Level 15 to

Level 16 the required size of the structure might increase.

This adjustment can have an impact when the system

allocates structures or copies structures from one coupling

facility to another at different CF levels.

The coupling facility structure sizer tool can size struc-

tures for you and takes into account the amount of space

needed for the current CFCC levels.

Access the tool at:


CFCC Level 16 is exclusive to System z10 and is sup-

ported by z/OS and z/VM for guest exploitation.