Environmental enhancements – IBM Z10 EC User Manual

Page 47

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memory activation feature. One pre-planned memory acti-

vation feature is required for each preplanned memory fea-

ture. You now have the fl exibility to activate memory to any

logical size offered between the starting and target size.

Plan ahead memory is exclusive to System z10 and is

transparent to operating systems.

Service Enhancements

z10 EC service enhancements designed to avoid sched-

uled outages include:

• Concurrent fi rmware fi xes

• Concurrent driver upgrades

• Concurrent parts replacement

• Concurrent hardware upgrades

• DIMM FRU indicators

• Single processor core checkstop

• Single processor core sparing

• Point-to-Point SMP Fabric (not a ring)

• FCP end-to-end checking

• Hot swap of ICB-4 and Infi niBand hub cards

• Redundant 100 Mb Ethernet service network with VLAN

Power and cooling discussions have entered the budget

planning of every IT environment. As energy prices have

risen and utilities have restricted the amount of power

usage, it is important to review the role of the server in bal-

ancing IT spending.

Power Monitoring

The “mainframe gas gauge” feature introduced on the

System z9 servers, provides power and thermal informa-

tion via the System Activity Display (SAD) on the Hardware

Management Console and will be available on the z10

EC giving a point in time reference of the information. The

current total power consumption in watts and BTU/hour as

well as the air input temperature will be displayed.

Power Estimation Tool

To assist in energy planning, Resource Link provides tools

to estimate server energy requirements before a new

server purchase. A user will input the machine model,

memory, and I/O confi guration and the tool will output

an estimate of the system total heat load and utility input

power. A customized planning aid is also available on

Resource Link which provides physical characteristics

of the machine along with cooling recommendations,

environmental specifi cations, system power rating, power

plugs/receptacles, line cord wire specifi cations and the

machine confi guration.


Environmental Enhancements