IBM Z10 EC User Manual
Page 40

Capacity Back Up (CBU): Temporary access to dormant
processing units (PUs), intended to replace capacity lost
within the enterprise due to a disaster. CP capacity or any
and all specialty engine types (zIIP, zAAP, SAP, IFL, ICF)
can be added up to what the physical hardware model
can contain for up to 10 days for a test activation or 90
days for a true disaster recovery.
On system z10 the CBU entitlement records contain an
expiration date that is established at the time of order
and is dependent upon the quantity of CBU years. You
will now have the capability to extend your CBU entitle-
ments through the purchase of additional CBU years. The
number of CBU years per instance of CBU entitlement
remains limited to fi ve and fractional years are rounded up
to the near whole integer when calculating this limit. For
instance, if there are two years and eight months to the
expiration date at the time of order, the expiration date can
be extended by no more than two additional years. One
test activation is provided for each additional CBU year
added to the CBU entitlement record.
CBU Tests: The allocation of the default number of test
activations changed. Rather than a fi xed default number
of fi ve test activations for each CBU entitlement record,
the number of test activations per instance of the CBU
entitlement record will coincide with the number of CBU
years, the number of years assigned to the CBU record.
This equates to one test activation per year for each CBU
entitlement purchased.
These changes apply only to System z10 and to CBU
entitlements purchased through the IBM sales channel or
directly from Resource Link.
There are now terms governing System z Capacity Back
Up (CBU) which allow customers to execute production
workload on a CBU Upgrade during a CBU Test..
While all new CBU contract documents contain the new
CBU Test terms, existing CBU customers will need to exe-
cute a contract to expand their authorization for CBU Test
upgrades if they want to have the right to execute produc-
tion workload on the CBU Upgrade during a CBU Test.
Amendment for CBU Tests
The modifi cation of CBU Test terms is available for existing
CBU customers via the IBM Customer Agreement Amend-
ment for IBM System z Capacity Backup Upgrade Tests (in
the US this is form number Z125-8145). This amendment
can be executed at any time, and separate from any par-
ticular order.
Capacity for Planned Event (CPE): Temporary access
to dormant PUs, intended to replace capacity lost within
the enterprise due to a planned event such as a facility
upgrade or system relocation. This offering is available
only on the System z10. CPE is similar to CBU in that it is
intended to replace lost capacity; however, it differs in its
scope and intent. Where CBU addresses disaster recovery
scenarios that can take up to three months to remedy, CPE
is intended for short-duration events lasting up to three
days, maximum. Each CPE record, once activated, gives
you access to all dormant PUs on the machine that can be
confi gured in any combination of CP capacity or specialty
engine types (zIIP, zAAP, SAP, IFL, ICF).
On/Off Capacity on Demand (On/Off CoD): Temporary
access to dormant PUs, intended to augment the existing
capacity of a given system. On/Off CoD helps you contain
workload spikes that may exceed permanent capacity
such that Service Level Agreements cannot be met and
business conditions do not justify a permanent upgrade.
An On/Off CoD record allows you to temporarily add CP
capacity or any and all specialty engine types (zIIP, zAAP,
SAP, IFL, ICF) up to the following limits:
• The quantity of temporary CP capacity ordered is limited
by the quantity of purchased CP capacity (permanently
active plus unassigned).