IBM Z10 EC User Manual

Page 41

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• The quantity of temporary IFLs ordered is limited by

quantity of purchased IFLs (permanently active plus


• Temporary use of unassigned CP capacity or unas-

signed IFLs will not incur a hardware charge.

• The quantity of permanent zIIPs plus temporary zIIPs

can not exceed the quantity of purchased (permanent

plus unassigned) CPs plus temporary CPs and the

quantity of temporary zIIPs can not exceed the quantity

of permanent zIIPs.

• The quantity of permanent zAAPs plus temporary zAAPs

can not exceed the quantity of purchased (permanent

plus unassigned) CPs plus temporary CPs and the

quantity of temporary zAAPs can not exceed the quan-

tity of permanent zAAPs.

• The quantity of temporary ICFs ordered is limited by the

quantity of permanent ICFs as long as the sum of perma-

nent and temporary ICFs is less than or equal to 16.

• The quantity of temporary SAPs ordered is limited by the

quantity of permanent SAPs as long as the sum of perma-

nent and temporary SAPs is less than or equal to 32.

Although the System z10 E will allow up to eight temporary

records of any type to be installed, only one temporary On/

Off CoD record may be active at any given time. An On/Off

CoD record may be active while other temporary records

are active.

Management of temporary capacity through On/Off CoD

is further enhanced through the introduction of resource

tokens. For CP capacity, a resource token represents

an amount of processing capacity that will result in one

MSU of SW cost for one day – an MSU-day. For specialty

engines, a resource token represents activation of one

engine of that type for one day – an IFL-day, a zIIP-day or

a zAAP-day. The different resource tokens are contained

in separate pools within the On/Off CoD record. The cus-

tomer, via the Resource Link ordering process, determines

how many tokens go into each pool. Once On/Off CoD

resources are activated, tokens will be decremented from

their pools every 24 hours. The amount decremented is

based on the highest activation level for that engine type

during the previous 24 hours.

Resource tokens are intended to help customers bound

the hardware costs associated with using On/Off CoD. The

use of resource tokens is optional and they are available

on either a prepaid or post-paid basis. When prepaid, the

customer is billed for the total amount of resource tokens

contained within the On/Off CoD record. When post-paid,

the total billing against the On/Off Cod record is limited by

the total amount of resource tokens contained within the

record. Resource Link will provide the customer an order-

ing wizard to help determine how many tokens they need

to purchase for different activation scenarios. Resource

tokens within an On/Off CoD record may also be replen-


Resource Link offers an ordering wizard to help determine

how many tokens you need to purchase for different acti-

vation scenarios. Resource tokens within an On/Off CoD

record may also be replenished. For more information

on the use and ordering of resource tokens, refer to the

Capacity on Demand Users Guide, SC28-6871.

Capacity Provisioning

Hardware working with software is critical. The activation

of On/Off CoD on z10 EC can be simplifi ed or automated

by using z/OS Capacity Provisioning (available with z/OS

V1.10 and z/OS V1.9). This capability enables the monitor-

ing of multiple systems based on Capacity Provisioning and

Workload Manager (WLM) defi nitions. When the defi ned

conditions are met, z/OS can suggest capacity changes for

manual activation from a z/OS console or the system can

add or remove temporary capacity automatically and with-

out operator intervention. z10 EC can do IT better.