IBM Z10 EC User Manual
Page 45

Concurrent Physical Memory Upgrade
Allows one or more physical memory cards on a single
book to be added, or an existing card to be upgraded
increasing the amount of physical memory in the system.
Concurrent Physical Memory Replacement
Allows one or more defective memory cards on a single
book to be replaced concurrent with the operation of the
Concurrent Defective Book Replacement
Allows the concurrent repair of a defective book when that
book is operating degraded due to errors such as multiple
defective processors.
Enhanced Book Availability is exclusive to z10 EC and
z9 EC.
Flexible Memory Option
Flexible memory was fi rst introduced on the z9 EC as part
of the design changes and offerings to support enhanced
book availability. Flexible memory provides the additional
resources to maintain a constant level of memory when
replacing a book. On z10 EC, the additional resources
required for the fl exible memory confi gurations are
provided through the purchase of preplanned memory fea-
tures along with the purchase of your memory entitlement.
In most cases, this implementation provides a lower-cost
solution compared to z9 EC. Flexible memory confi gura-
tions are available on Models E26, E40, E56, and E64 only
and range from 32 GB to 1136 GB, model dependent.
Redundant I/O Interconnect
z10 EC with Redundant I/O Interconnect is designed to
allow you to replace a book or respond to a book failure
and retain connectivity to resources. In the event of a
failure or customer initiated action such as the replace-
ment of an HCA2-C fanout card or book, the z10 EC is
designed to provide access to your I/O devices through
another Infi niBand Multiplexer (IFB-MP) to the affected I/O
domains. This is exclusive to System z10 EC and z9 EC.
Enhanced Driver Maintenance
One of the greatest contributors to downtime during
planned outages is Licensed Internal Code (LIC) updates.
When properly confi gured, z10 EC is designed to permit
select planned LIC updates.
A new query function has been added to validate LIC EDM
requirements in advance. Enhanced programmatic internal
controls have been added to help eliminate manual analy-
sis by the service team of certain exception conditions.
With the z10 EC, PR/SM code has been enhanced to allow
multiple EDM ‘From’ sync points. Automatic apply of EDM
licensed internal change requirements is now limited to EDM
and the licensed internal code changes update process.
There are several reliability, availability, and serviceability
(RAS) enhancements that have been made to the HMC/SE
based on the feedback from the System z9 Enhanced
Driver Maintenance fi eld experience.
• Change to better handle intermittent customer network
• EDM performance improvements
• New EDM user interface features to allow for customer
and service personnel to better plan for the EDM
• A new option to check all licensed internal code which
can be executed in advance of the EDM preload or
Dynamic Oscillator Switchover
The z10 EC has two oscillator cards, a primary and a
backup. For most cases, should a failure occur on the pri-
mary oscillator card, the backup can detect it, switch over,