Security cryptography – IBM Z10 EC User Manual

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Today’s world mandates that your systems are secure and

available 24/7. The z10 EC employs some of the most

advanced security technologies in the industry—helping

you to meet rigid regulatory requirements that include

encryption solutions, access control management, and

extensive auditing features. It also provides disaster recov-

ery confi gurations and is designed to deliver 99.999%

application availability to help avoid the downside of

planned downtime, equipment failure, or the complete loss

of a data center.

When you need to be more secure, more resilient —

z Can Do IT. The z10 processor chip has on board cryp-

tographic functions. Standard clear key integrated crypto-

graphic coprocessors provide high speed cryptography

for protecting data in storage. CP Assist for Cryptographic

Function (CPACF) supports DES, TDES, Secure Hash

Algorithms (SHA) for up to 512 bits, Advanced Encryption

Standard (AES) for up to 256 bits and Pseudo Random

Number Generation (PRNG). Logging has been added to

the TKE workstation to enable better problem tracking.

System z is investing in accelerators that provide improved

performance for specialized functions. The Crypto

Express2 feature for cryptography is an example. The

Crypto Express2 feature can be confi gured as a secure

key coprocessor or for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) accel-

eration. The feature includes support for 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,

18 and 19 digit Personal Account Numbers for stronger

protection of data. And the tamper-resistant cryptographic

coprocessor is certifi ed at FIPS 140-2 Level 4.

In 2008, the z10 EC received Common Criteria Evalua-

tion Assurance Level 5 (EAL5) certifi cation for security of

logical partitions. System z security is one of the many

reasons why the world’s top banks and retailers rely on the

IBM mainframe to help secure sensitive business transac-


z Can Do IT securely.

The z10 EC includes both standard cryptographic hard-

ware and optional cryptographic features for fl exibility and

growth capability. IBM has a long history of providing hard-

ware cryptographic solutions, from the development of

Data Encryption Standard (DES) in the 1970s to delivering

integrated cryptographic hardware in a server to achieve

the US Government’s highest FIPS 140-2 Level 4 rating for

secure cryptographic hardware.

The IBM System z10 EC cryptographic functions include

the full range of cryptographic operations needed for e-

business, e-commerce, and fi nancial institution applica-

tions. In addition, custom cryptographic functions can be

added to the set of functions that the z10 EC offers.

New integrated clear key encryption security features on

z10 EC include support for a higher advanced encryption

standard and more secure hashing algorithms. Performing

these functions in hardware is designed to contribute to

improved performance.

Enhancements to eliminate preplanning in the cryptogra-

phy area include the System z10 function to dynamically

add Crypto to a logical partition. Changes to image pro-

fi les, to support Crypto Express2 features, are available

without an outage to the logical partition. Crypto Express2

features can also be dynamically deleted or moved.

CP Assist for Cryptographic Function (CPACF)

CPACF supports clear-key encryption. All CPACF func-

tions can be invoked by problem state instructions defi ned

by an extension of System z architecture. The function is

activated using a no-charge enablement feature and offers

the following on every CPACF that is shared between two

Processor Units (PUs) and designated as CPs and/or Inte-

grated Facility for Linux (IFL):

• DES, TDES, AES-128, AES-192, AES-256

• SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512

• Pseudo Random Number Generation (PRNG)


