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Implementing Windows NT Terminal Server Edition
46.From the action bar, click Form > Release. You will see a screen similar to
Note: If the data sources have been previously created in the Installation Planner,
click Cancel to continue. (In our example, we clicked Cancel since we had
previously created our data sources.)
Figure 291. Custom Installation Plan (Release Master Completion) Screen
47.The system will now inform you that the process has completed. Click OK and
Close to continue.
9.9.1 Run Installation Workbench for the Windows Terminal Server Plan
The Installation Workbench runs the plan you created. It functions as a central
point for all the processes required to install the server environments. Some
processes that install the server environments might require you to perform
procedures manually. However, the Installation Workbench makes sure you
perform procedures in the proper order, and it insulates you as much as possible
from a platform-specific environment setup. Perform the following steps to run the
plan we’ve created:
1. Log on to the planner environment (JDEPLAN) as user JDE and password
2. From the System Installation Tools menu (GH961), choose Installation
Workbench. You will see a screen similar to Figure 292 on page 310.