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Implementing Oracle8 and J.D. Edwards’ OneWorld


3. After Windows NT is installed, you need to change a few parameters for tuning


1. From your Windows NT desktop, select Start > Settings > Control Panel.

2. Double-click Network and select the Services tab.

3. Double-click the Server icon.

4. Select Maximize throughput for Network Applications. You will be

prompted to reboot. Do not reboot at this time.

5. Return to Control Panel and select System.

6. Select the Performance tab.

7. Set the Application Performance Boost for Foreground Applications to 50%

(slide set at halfway mark).

8. Click Change and modify initial paging file size to the recommended size.

Click Set and OK.

9. Check that your screen resolution is set to at least 256 colors or higher.

10.The enterprise server can now be shut down and restarted.

4. Install Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0. Choose Professional Edition. The path used

for this installation is C:\Msdev\DevStudio\VC.

Note: We used the Microsoft software from the Microsoft Developer’s Network
CD-ROM during our installation, therefore, our installation procedures may
differ slightly from the shrink-wrapped software that you purchased.

7.2.1 Installing Oracle8 Enterprise Edition for Windows NT

In this section, we begin our installation of Oracle8 Enterprise Edition for
Windows NT on our enterprise server. The Oracle databases will be created and
later populated with databases and user data from OneWorld B73.3.

Begin the installation by performing the following instructions:

1. Create the OneWorld administrator user on the enterprise server.

1. Sign on to the enterprise server as an administrator or a user with

administrative privileges.

Note: If your OneWorld deployment server and enterprise server are part
of a Domain, you should have created the user ID JDE during the setup of
the deployment server. Use the Domain user ID JDE to log on. Skip the
next two steps and continue with step 2 on page 94.

2. From the Windows NT desktop, select Programs > Administrative Tools

> User Manager for Domains.

3. Create a new user called JDE and give it the password JDE. Assign this

user ID administrative rights. Log off and log on with this user ID.

Oracle8 tools are Java based. These tools will not run unless
you have a minimum of 256 colors selected under your display
properties. Do not continue the database installation until your
display properties have been properly set.

Important Note