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J.D. Edwards’ OneWorld B73.3 and Windows Terminal Server
7.2.2 Verify Setup of Listener.ora and Tnsnames.ora Files
You need to check and make sure the Listener.ora and the Tnsnames.ora files
are set up correctly on the enterprise server, where the database resides. This is
done to ensure that the Oracle clients can communicate with the database.
The Listener.ora file lists the names and addresses of all of the listener processes
on the enterprise server and the instances it supports. The Tnsnames.ora
contains a list of connect descriptors. Connect descriptors specify the
communication protocol, server name, and instance name to use when
performing a query. These files reside in the \orant\net80\admin subdirectory.
Note: The Oracle Net8 Assistant can be used to edit your Tnsnames.ora and
Listener.ora files. Using the Oracle Net8 Assistant will help you minimize the
possibility of any errors while using an editor. For this example, the Oracle Net8
Assistant will be used:
1. From the enterprise server, click Start > Programs > Oracle for Windows
2. Select Oracle Net8 Assistant.
3. Highlight Service Name.
4. At the top of the menu click Edit and select Create.
5. Service Name = For this example, ORC1. Click Next.
6. Select IPC (Local Process) and click Next.
7. IPC Key Value = ORC1. Click Next.
8. Database Sid = ORC1. Click Next.
9. Click Finish to continue.
10.Review the examples for the database (SID=orc1) and accept all default
11.Save this file and Exit.