Mitel SX-2000 User Manual

Page 245

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Glossary of Terms


Revision A


Autobaud Detection

Some data communication equipment can determine, on receipt of one or more characters,
the baud rate of the transmitting source. It then sets its own receive circuits to accommodate
this baud rate. In the SX-200 EL/ML system this feature is applicable to datasets and to the
maintenance/CDE port which automatically adjusts its baud rate to match that of the terminal
during the initial setting up procedure.

Automatic Route Selection

Automatic route selection software automatically selects the optimum trunk route when a user
makes a call. This selection is based on many factors, including cost, user priority, the day,
and time of day.

Average Busy Hour (ABH)

The clock hour that has the highest average business day traffic (see Busy Hour, page 231).

Average Busy Season Busy Hour (ABSBH)

This is the hour calculated to have the highest average business day traffic load during the
three highest traffic months of the year.

B Channel

The B channel is the 64-K bit channel of a DNIC device. It can carry digitized voice or ASCII
characters at a maximum rate of 19.2 Kb/s.

Battery and Ground Pulsing

A method of signaling used on long lines, in which both wires use battery and ground at each
end of the circuit. When signaling to the remote end of the trunk, the battery and ground
connections are reversed, opposing the potentials at the remote end and increasing the current
supply to the trunk.


The condition existing in a switching system when the immediate establishment of a call is
impossible due to insufficient switching connections being available in the system at that time.

BRI Card

The Basic Rate Interface (BRI) card allows the SX-200 to communicate to Central Offices and
devices that support BRI. The SX-200 supports the termination and the origination of ISDN
voice and data calls for trunk side and line side U interfaces. The trunk side provides Basic Call
and Incoming Calling Name.The line side provides data and voice calls from BRI devices, and
voice calls from sets. The BRI card provides up to 12 ISDN BRI U interfaces.

Busy Hour

The hour when a system carries the most traffic (the busiest hour of the busiest day of a normal