Mitel SX-2000 User Manual
Page 17

Product Overview
Revision A
international standard for voice, data, and signaling with end-to-end digital compatability
worldwide, regardless of where the telephone terminal is located - in an office or in the home.
LIGHTWARE 18 software was released in the year 2000. Release 1.0 primarily introduced new
software features. Release 2.0 is mostly hardware. LIGHTWARE 18 Release 2.0 introduces
the BCC III, the BRI card, the ONS/CLASS Line card, the Control Triple CIM card, and the
Peripheral Interface Module Carrier card. The BCC III provides extra processing power and
holds a DSP module (single) that gives DTMF receivers, Record a Call conference bridges and
CLASS generator resources, and a T1/E1 module that provides T1/D4 connectivity, CSU and
ESF functionality at a reduced cost. Customers are also delighted with the introduction of the
Copper Interface Module (CIM). Not every system requires fiber; the CIM offers you a
cost-reduction with a co-located system.
LIGHTWARE 19 software released in 2001 provides functionality with Q.SIG that places the
SX-200 system into a branch office network with the MITEL SX-2000
LIGHT system. This
major leap is an exciting one for the SX-200 EL/ML system.
LIGHTWARE 19 Release 3.0 brings the cost-saving benefits of Voice over IP (VoIP) technology
to the SX-200 EL. The Mitel Networks SX-200 IP Node addresses the IP telephony requirements
Small to medium enterprises
Corporate enterprises with branch offices and teleworkers.
The SX-200 EL supports up to two SX-200 IP Nodes and 120 IP telephones in LIGHTWARE
19 Release 3.0.
LIGHTWARE 19 Release 3.1 adds support for IP Trunks to the SX-200 EL. Up to 60 IP Trunks
can be supported per SX-200 EL system. Release 3.1 also brings support for even more
easy-to-use Mitel Networks IP phones.
The SX-200 family provide a rich foundation of features and a sound digital architecture which
allows for even further enhancements in the areas of networking, data handling, applications
processing, and, of course, telephony. Most of these enhancements are compatible with every
SX-200 system ever produced. Feature enhancements are straightforward with flash memory
card upgrades or remote down loads of system software, while new hardware for data interfaces
comes in the form of plug-in circuit cards.
MITEL, now named Mitel Networks, has continued to produce enhancements since 1978. The
SX-200 EL now offers the customer 768 ports (672 physical ports) with a maximum of 650
lines. The systems will evolve with your needs, in one continuous migration plan. This means
that you can buy what you need today, knowing that the SX-200 family will always meet your
needs. The SX-200 systems are designed to provide “Communications Answers That Work .
. . For You.”