Micron Technology Transport LT User Manual
Page 168

Format 127
Label 126
selecting 118
Options 63
OS/2 1
Ignore OS/2 EA Errors on FAT 119
Parallel port field 82
applying changes to 118
creating 121
deleting 125
extended, deletion of 125
formatting 127
list 116
map 116
naming 126
selecting 118
status 116
using 64KB FAT clusters on 119
partition list
drive letters in 116
information in 116
status in 116
partition map
defined 116
asterisk (*) in, explained 116
resizing 110
Password on boot field 84
for floppy drive 90
on boot 90
overview 89
PC Card
16-bit 58
32-bit 58
CardBus 58, 161
CardWizard 61
definition 163
installing 59
maintaining 59
removing 60
rest mode 61
slot 163
stopping in CardWizard 61
types 58
using 58
Windows 98 60
Windows NT 60
zoomed video 164
Peripheral devices, connecting 31
physical disk 117
Pixel 53, 163
Playing compact discs 38
Plug and play 163
Port icons 32
POST (power-on self-test) 21, 163
Power button 20
Power light 30
Power Management
Suspend 132
Power management
features 93
rest mode 94
standby mode 93
System Setup fields 84
Power menu, System Setup 84
Power on suspend mode 94
Power Saving Mode field 85
monitoring the battery 44
power-management features 95
operating 23
rest mode 94
Preferences, PartitionMagic
Skip Bad Sector Checks 120
Primary Master field 78
Product Support Hot-line 139
PS/2 mouse and keyboard 32