Micron Technology Transport LT User Manual
Transport, Lt user’s guide

Copyright Notice
User’s Guide
User’s Guide
Copyright Notice
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P/N MAS001602-00, TransPort LT,
BGJ, 01-20-2000
Copyright 2000 Micron Electronics Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Document Outline
- Copyright Notice
- Table of Contents
- Ch1 Welcome
- Ch2 Getting Started
- Ch3 Introducing Your TransPort
- Ch4 Video Features anc Configuration
- Ch5 Using Options
- Ch6 Drivers and System Resources
- Ch7 Using System Setup
- Ch8 Using System Security
- Ch9 Using Power Management Options
- Ch10 Creating a Save-To-Disk Partition
- Ch11 Software utilities
- Ch12 Restoring your Computer
- Ch13 Troubleshooting
- Ch14 Specifications
- Ch15 Recording the Computer Hardware Configuration
- Appendix A- Regulatory
- Appendix B- Important Safety Instruction
- Appendix C- Abbreviations
- Appendix D- Glossary
- Index