FARGO electronic Quatro ID Card Printer User Manual

Page 29

background image

Using the Quatro ID Card Printer 25


Notice the direction the Vertical and Horizontal adjustment arrows
point within the Printing Position window are representative of the
direction the printed image moves on the card.

The Position option also allows you to send a simple self test
print to the printer by clicking on the Test Print button. This
function will send a file named ÒIDTEST.PRNÓ which is
automatically installed with the printer driver and stored in the
c:\Windows\System directory. You must have a Full-Color
YMCKO ribbon installed when printing the default test print.

This test print procedure can be helpful in assuring that your
computer is effectively communicating with Quatro and that
Quatro is functioning properly. If you would like to bypass
your computer and print a self test directly from Quatro, see
the self test procedure described in Chapter 3, Section V.


If you would like to send your own test file, simply create a PRN file,
name it ÒIDTEST.PRN,Ó and save it in the c:\Windows\System
directory in place of the existing IDTEST file. Be sure the appropriate
print supplies are installed according to the Ribbon Type option you
selected when the new PRN file was created.

After your selections have been made, close out of the printer
setup window. You are now ready to go to an application
program and print. All printer driver options selected will stay
the same until you change them.

Ribbon Type

Use this option to select the ribbon type option that is
appropriate for the type of ribbon you are using (see Chapter 3,
Section I for further ribbon information).

Rotate 180

This option allows you to rotate your image 180û when printed.
Select this option if you wish to change the position of your
image in relation to the set location of a cardÕs magnetic stripe.

Write Direct to Port

Selecting this option provides the fastest print processing when
printing exclusively from Windows 3.1x. When selected, this
option allows the printer driver to bypass the Windows 3.1x
Print Manager and to send all print data directly to Quatro.
This option devotes all of your system resources to the current
print job, thereby increasing overall print speed. When the

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