Inrush currents, Chapter 15, Introduction – Fluke 434 User Manual
Page 63: Inrush trend display

Chapter 15
Inrush Currents
Inrush Currents can be captured by Fluke 434. Inrush Currents are surge currents that
occur when a large, or low-impedance load comes on line. Normally the current will
stabilize after some time when the load has reached normal working condition. For
example the start-up current in induction motors can be ten times the normal working
current. Inrush is a ‘single shot’ mode that records current and voltage Trends after a
current event (the trigger) has occurred. An event occurs when the current waveform
exceeds adjustable limits. The display builds up from the right of the screen. Pretrigger
information allows you to see what occurred in advance of the inrush.
Inrush Trend Display
To access the Inrush Trend screen: