Formax ColorMaxLP Operator Manual User Manual

Page 68

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M i s - r e g i s t r a t i o n o r
labels are skipped

Media settings do not match
the media loaded in the printer.

Make sure the settings are correct for the media
(e.g. media size and orientation).

The media does not meet the


Choosing Label Media

on page 24 for the

media specifications.

T h e p r i n t e r i s u n a b l e t o
correctly detect the inter-label
gap or black mark.

1. Clean the sensors. See

Cleaning the Sensors

on page 54.

2. If the problem persists, adjust the sensitivity

o f t h e s e n s o rs . S e e

A d j u s t i n g S e n s o r


on page 73.

L a b e l s a r e s k i p p e d
when printing roll to
roll on media with black

T h e p r i n t e r i s u n a b l e t o
correctly detect the inter-label
black mark.

Adjust the media size in the printer driver:
reduce the height by 0.1” (3 mm).


Possible Cause
