Microtel Series 500 User Manual

Page 52

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As shown in the Remote Operations instructions, a # key depressed on the called
telephone will allows the opportunity to enter an Access Code, without having to effect
an alarm acknowledgment to the system.


When a Call is Placed to the System

If a call is placed to the system which satisfies the number of rings programmed into the
ring count register during the system set-up phase of programming, the system will
answer the call and deliver a current status message. If no alarm condition exists, the
status message will be “Status Normal”. Following three repeats of the current status
message, the system will hang up and return to whatever mode it was in when the call
was placed to the system. If the caller enters an acknowledgment key (*) during the
repeats of the status message, the system will articulate the phrase “Acknowledge
Accepted”, followed by system advisory messages and the instruction, “Enter access
Code”. If the caller enters a valid access code, access to remote control and
programming sequences as described below will be allowed by the system.

If the caller enters a don’t acknowledge key (#) during the repeats of the status
message, the system will articulate the instruction, “Enter Access Code”, allowing
similar access to the Remote Operations functions.

Before Entering an Access Code, Enter a * or a # Key

Either an acknowledgment key (*) or a don’t acknowledge key (#) must be received
before you are invited to enter the access code. The access code must be
successfully entered before access is granted to the Remote Operations Functions.

If alarms are acknowledged using the * key, then subsequent calls will both be
made until the shorter of the Channel Specific or System Snooze Periods times out.
If alarms are not acknowledged (by entering the # key), calls will continue to be
placed after the system hangs up.

During Remote Operations Functions you may change the acknowledged or not-
acknowledged status of the existing alarms prior to disconnecting.